What Should We Talk About?
My favorite part of teaching was sharing evocative passages, affecting scenes, meaningful lyrics and innovative ideas with my students. We’d read, watch and listen to them, then think, talk and write about them. It kept me from the curriculum. But then I’d think, Why isn’t this the curriculum? This is what kids need to learn!
For example, after watching the scene where Tom Hanks scolds Geena Davis in A League of Their Own,“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great!” I’d share it with students and explain why I showed it to them. And now I’m sharing passages, scenes, lyrics and ideas with you with the goal of getting a thought-provoking, life-enhancing conversations started.

How Bob Marley, Anastasia, Shaun and Christine tamed my strange stress

Five years in a liminal space.

Prepare for the future or live for today? (after 65)

From your pupils you'll be taught - bite timing

JPJ - a story about endings (and beginnings)

A lesson from Jake Paul that every kid should learn

Getting my own shot and other things I miss
Rethinking "joyful," "painless" (and kefi)

The old guy I don't want to be

What you REALLY need to have in common with your special people

Why we still need (and miss) gatekeepers - plus what we need to teach kids about opinions

Kyrra's quest to turn lemons into (unsweetened) lemonaid continues with Myabetic Diabetes TV

It's whom you're with - and an invite to spend time with spirit-magnifying people

Keep watering - proof from a plant that we shouldn't give up

What makes a person statue-worthy? (and the life-enhancing lessons we can learn while deciding)

Different opinions and behaviors I willingly accept, uncomfortably live with - and can't condone

Sell it! - The sad story of the Taj Mahal

Dear you know who, (lessons from an 8th grader)

Today's students have the chance to do what no generation of kids has ever been able to do