What Should We Talk About?
My favorite part of teaching was sharing evocative passages, affecting scenes, meaningful lyrics and innovative ideas with my students. We’d read, watch and listen to them, then think, talk and write about them. It kept me from the curriculum. But then I’d think, Why isn’t this the curriculum? This is what kids need to learn!
For example, after watching the scene where Tom Hanks scolds Geena Davis in A League of Their Own,“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great!” I’d share it with students and explain why I showed it to them. And now I’m sharing passages, scenes, lyrics and ideas with you with the goal of getting a thought-provoking, life-enhancing conversations started.

How Bob Marley, Anastasia, Shaun and Christine tamed my strange stress

Should we teach kids Fight Club's Raymond K. Hessel lesson?

Selena Quintanilla's succinct summary of why we're here

The Mickey scene and what makes an elder worth listening to

Movie Scenes that Improve Your Life... When the cheering stops (or never starts) - an argument in s

Want to be happy (or at least feel better)? BE BETTER! - Watch this scene from ROCKY (the original)

Movie scenes that boost our mental health - THE WAITRESS

Song lyrics that boost our mental health - "Shallow" (From A STAR IS BORN)

How to Be Happy (Or at Least Feel Better) Watch This Movie Scene -- The Breakfast Club

How to Be Happy (Or at Least Feel Better) Watch This Movie Scene - Titanic

How to be Happy (Or at Least Feel Better) Watch This Movie Scene - I Am Legend